Thank you for taking the time to read my review policy.
I figured I would set this up as I have had a few emails contacting me about doing reviews.
Types of books I am accepting:
I mostly review Young Adult books but do enjoy some NA and Adult novels as well.
I currently am not accepting any self published novels.
The genres I prefer are:
Paranormal Romance
Chick Lit
Fantasy & Adventure
Historical Fiction
The best way to get in touch with me is via email. My email address is I can also be reached via Twitter.
I am accepting the following formats:
Published books (Hardback and Paperback)
I currently do not have a format for E-books
My reviews are posted either the day before release or else the day of release in the case of ARC's that I receive. If the book is already in print I will schedule it around my ARC's. Preference will be given to books on my Wishlist on Goodreads.
I am willing to participate in blog tours, do interviews with the authors, and giveaways. I just ask that I have enough time to read the book before participating.
*ARCs will not be sold or given away once read.