I am sure everyone has experienced this - you’re reading a book and you can picture the characters and the world so vividly that you’re dying to see it made into a movie.
I thought with all the excitement about the Hunger Games and Mortal Instruments movies I would highlight some books that have yet to hit the big screen… but I sure hope they do.
Some of these have already been optioned for a movie (and hopefully one will be made) others I have heard nothing about. I am going to try not to give any spoilers for the books that are on my list, while still giving you an example of why I want to see it on the big screen.
1. Shatter Me
This novel is amazing and filled with moments I want to see on the big screen. The ending is so epic, and made me so excited for the next book. There is a scene in the book that involves a young child that would make my physically ill to see on screen, but that shows the power of that scene. The hot romance would play out wonderfully if the cast had great chemistry.
2. The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer
The accident would be intense to see on the big screen. The paranormal element would provide some great movie moments, and the sexy chemistry between Noah and Mara would ignite the screen.
3. Starcrossed
The fight scenes, the “dream sequences” and the beautiful island scenery are just some of the highlights I would be looking forward to. The scene where Helen and Lucas are fighting and they dent the earth would be the most insane movie moment.
4. Vampire Academy
The action alone in this book would make an fantastic movie. Getting to see the school would also be a huge movie moment for fans. I have only read one book, but already I can see the appeal of a movie. The training scenes, the ball when the Princess visits, and heart pounding end would be my “must sees”.
5. Delirium
The landscape and seeing this whole area fenced in to keep out the infection would be interesting. The first time Lena sees Alex (the scene with the cows) sticks out in my head for some reason as a great moment. If it could be shown properly seeing how everyone acts once they have the procedure would give me chills.
6. Wither
The house that Rhine lives in after becoming a Bride and the all futuristic gadgets and illusions would be on the top of my wish list for this movie. That house is so detailed that it would be fun to see it realized in a movie.
7. Die For Me -
The setting of Paris would make it visually pleasing. The sword fight scenes, and that romantic end scene would leave everyone dying to go to Paris and find their own Vincent.
8 Divergent
The whole world Veronica Roth has created begs to be made into a movie. The scene where Tris jumps off the building not knowing what awaits her at the bottom would be my most wanted scene. I would love the complicated, intense relationship between her and Four as well. Getting to see where the Dauntless live as that area was so detailed.
9. The Iron Fey Series
Getting to see the NeverNever and the Summer and Winter Courts would be amazing. I can already visualize the Winter Court and it would be stunning on screen. The magic, romance, and epic fight scenes would make this one visually captivating movie.
I am sure there are tons of books I am not thinking of right now. What is the book you hope they make into a movie?