The awesome Kelly at KellyVision started posting a weekly post highlighting whatever she happened to be obsessed with that week. I LOVE this idea, so much in fact that I will be doing it myself every Saturday.
I am so sick right now. It's kind of ridiculous. Here are my obsessions this week:
American Horror Story
So I am WAY late to this party, but I am happy I arrived. This show is creepy, weird, and intense. I surprisingly like it a lot. I am just over halfway through the first season and I am already hoping for more.
Returning shows
With January just around the corner all my favourite shows are coming back from winter hiatus. A lot of them start this week. I am eager to get back to Mystic Falls, Chance Harbor, and Storybrooke in particular (Vampire Diaries, Secret Circle, and Once Upon A Time).
Welcoming in 2012
We're just hours away from a new year. I am looking forward to the amazing 2012 novels coming our way! It's going to be an epic book year, and I am hopeful for an fantastic 2012 in general.
As mentioned above, I am not feeling well - at all. I've been drinking NeoCitran at night to sleep and feel better. I am not sure if every country has NeoCitran but it's basically medicine in a powder form that you put into hot water. They are usually flavoured (my favourite is the apple cinnamon). They tend to make me loopy and knock me out.
Hope you're spending the last little bit of 2011 with loved ones!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
Follow Friday/Book Blogger Hop
Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. It's a great way to meet new blogger friends. This weeks question is:
Q: The New Year is here -- and everyone wants to know your New Years Blogging Resolution! What are you going to try to revise, revamp and redo for 2012 on your blog?
I am going to mostly focus on becoming even more involved in the book blogging community. I also want to improve in my posts, get more creative with things, and just continue to enjoy doing it.

TGIF at GReads! is a weekly blog hop hosted by Ginger from GReads
Q:Last: What was the first book you read in 2011 and the last you finished in 2011? How do you feel about these books? Would you recommend them to other readers?
My first book read in 2011 was Stolen by Lucy Christopher and my last was Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead.
Stolen is one of those books that is still with me. It's haunting, beautiful, and dark. It makes you think. I would recommend it to anyone.
Last Sacrifice was a fitting ending to a great series. Coming to the end of Rose's story was a little sad, but I am excited to meet up with other beloved characters in the next series. I would recommend the Vampire Academy series as well.
Happy weekend and Happy reading!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
My Top 20 Must Read of 2012..
Now that we are saying Goodbye to 2011 I thought it only fitting to take a look ahead to 2012. Here are my most anticipated, can’t wait for, dying to read choices.
I decided to list my top 20 (10 debuts and 10 returning favourites). This was hard! So many amazing books that I want to read next year. These are in no particular order....
1 Gilt by Katherine Longshore
2 The Catastrophic History of You and Me by Jess Rothenberg
3 The Selection by Kiera Cass
4 Hemlock by Kathleen Peacock
5 Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins
6 Lies Beneath by Anne Greenwood Brown
7 Under The Never Sky by Veronica Rossi
8 Everneath by Brodi Ashton
9 Immortal City by Scott Speer
10 What’s Left of Me by Kat Zhang
Non Debuts
1 Insurgent by Veronica Roth
2 The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa
3 Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson
4 Until I Die by Amy Plum
5 Untitled Mara Dyer #2 by Michelle Hodkin
6 Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins
7 Clockwork Princess and City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare
8 Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake
9 Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver
10 Fever by Lauren DeStefano
What book are you most looking forward to in 2012?
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Waiting on Wednesday...Social Suicide
Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking The Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.
My pick this week is Social Suicide by Gemma Halliday
Here is the Goodreads Synopsis
Expected release date - April 24, 2012
My pick this week is Social Suicide by Gemma Halliday
Here is the Goodreads Synopsis
Twittercide [twit-er-sahyd]: the killing of one human being by another while the victim is in the act of tweeting. Call me crazy, but I figured writing for the Herbert Hoover High Homepage would be a pretty sweet gig. Pad the resume for college applications, get a first look at the gossip column, spend some time ogling the paper's brooding bad-boy editor, Chase Erikson. But on my first big story, things went...a little south. What should have been a normal interview with Sydney Sanders turned into me discovering the Homecoming Queen-hopeful dead in her pool. Electrocuted while Tweeting. Now, in addition to developing a reputation as HHH's resident body finder, I'm stuck trying to prove that Sydney's death wasn't suicide. I'm starting to long for the days when my biggest worry was whether the cafeteria was serving pizza sticks or Tuesday Tacos...Deadly Cool was a lot of fun. I can't wait to join Hartley on another case, and read more about bad boy Chase
Expected release date - April 24, 2012
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Why We Broke Up by Daniel Handler
Why We Broke Up by Daniel Handler
Release Date – December 27, 2011
Publisher Website – HarperCollins
Publisher Social Media - Twitter/Facebook/SavvyReader
Pages - 368 pages
My Rating- 7/10
**Obtained from Book Expo America for an honest review**
Here is the Goodreads synopsis
Min Green and Ed Slaterton are breaking up, so Min is writing Ed a letter and giving him a box. Inside the box is why they broke up. Two bottle caps, a movie ticket, a folded note, a box of matches, a protractor, books, a toy truck, a pair of ugly earrings, a comb from a motel room, and every other item collected over the course of a giddy, intimate, heartbreaking relationship. Item after item is illustrated and accounted for, and then the box, like a girlfriend, will be dumped.
I am sure we've all been there. You've just ended a relationship and would love to the person why. Min does exactly that by writing a letter to her ex and including items she kept during their brief relationship.
The premise of this novel, the telling of a relationship through objects meaningful to the couple, was unique and drew me in right away. I liked trying to guess what each object could represent, and how it factored in to the reason why Min and Ed broke up.
The premise of this novel, the telling of a relationship through objects meaningful to the couple, was unique and drew me in right away. I liked trying to guess what each object could represent, and how it factored in to the reason why Min and Ed broke up.
Min and Ed may seem like a mismatch. They are very different. Min is artsy, where Ed is athletic. Min is considered “different", where Ed is part of the popular crowd at school. At first glance you may expect the relationship to fail and for it to be obvious why they broke up. However, it’s because of these differences that they are attracted to each other in the first place. The whole opposites attract scenario works in this novel, and you understand how they came together.
The relationship felt pretty authentic to what a high school relationship could be like. The final catalyst causing the split is something I didn’t see coming, and is huge compared to the smaller, sometimes silly reasons Min gives in the book
I didn’t feel like I had a clear picture of the characters. Maybe it was the letter style layout, or the narrative of Min, but I couldn’t connect to them. The letter is filled with run on sentences that could be distracting for some readers and made it harder to connect with Min.
I did enjoy Al, Min’s patient best friend. I ended up feeling sorry for him quite a bit during the novel, and was happy whenever he stood up for himself.
The reasons why Ed and Min broke up are plentiful, and exploring a relationship through objects is an interesting twist. I think this is a book that will have people relating to the story, maybe not the characters though, and the journey is one that is quite familiar.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Best of 2011
Here is a brief questionnaire I filled out. Most of the questions I grabbed from the questionnaire I saw Kelly at KellyVision post.
1. Favourite books of 2011.
YA dystopian: Divergent by Veronica Roth
YA paranormal: The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
YA contemporary: Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins
2. Most surprising (in a good way) book of 2011.
It depends on the why it surprised me. I was surprised by Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi because it was so amazingly written for a first novel. I was surprised by Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma and how much it got to me, and I was surprised by the Iron Fey series with how much I loved it.
3. Book you recommended most in 2011.
Probably The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer, Divergent, or Stolen
4. Best series you discovered in 2011.
Does the first in a series count? Either Divergent or The Iron Fey series
5. Favorite new authors you discovered.
Michelle Hodkin, Julie Kagawa, Tabitha Suzuma, and Veronica Roth
6. Book you anticipated most.
Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare
7. Favorite cover.
To answer this I asked myself if I would hang it on my wall. The winners - Lola and the Boy Next Door and The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer.
8. Most beautifully written book
Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma.
9. Book you can’t believe you waited so long to read.
The Iron Fey series. I started it this year and was so addicted Also, the Vampire Academy series.
10. Biggest WTF moment
Has to be the end of The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer. Seriously, WTF!
11. Book that had the biggest impact
The book that I had the hardest time letting go when over was Stolen by Lucy Christopher.
12 Book that made you cry the most
This is a toss up between Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma and Sisterhood Everlasting by Ann Brashares
13. Best YA hottie
Noah Shaw.
1. Female character
Too many. Um, Tris from Divergent is awesome though. Either her or Lola from Lola and the Boy Next Door.
2. Male character
Can I just say Noah Shaw for everything?
3. Love triangle
Will/Tessa/Jem from the Infernal Devices (Clockwork Prince) series. The only triangle that I genuinely don’t have a preferred outcome. I love both the guys so freaking much.
4. Kissing scene
The kisses in Anna and the French Kiss and Lola and the Boy Next Door are sweet. For sexiness factor it has to be either Mara and Noah from The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer or Adam and Juliette from Shatter Me.
5. Favourite passage or quote
I have soooo many. I am going to list my top few though....
Once upon a time, there was a girl who talked to the moon. And she was mysterious and she was perfect, in that way that girls who talk to moons are. In the house next door, there lived a boy. And the boy watched the girl grow more and more perfect, more and more beautiful with each passing year. He watched her watch the moon. And he began to wonder if the moon would help him unravel the mystery of the beautiful girl. So the boy looked into the sky. But he couldn't concentrate on the moon. He was too distracted by the stars. And it didn't matter how many songs or poems had already been written about them, because whenever he thought about the girl, the stars shone brighter. As if she were the one keeping them illuminated. One day, the boy had to move away. He couldn't bring the girl with him, so he brought the stars. When he'd look out his window at night, he would start with one. One star. And the boy would make a wish on it, and the wish would be her name. At the sound of her name, a second star would appear. And then he'd wish her name again, and the stars would double into four. And four became eight, and eight became sixteen, and so on, in the greatest mathematical equation the universe had ever seen. And by the time an hour had passed, the sky would be filled with so many stars that it would wake the neighbors. People wondered who'd turned on the floodlights The boy did. By thinking about the girl. *Cricket - Lola and the Boy Next DoorThis quote captures everything I love about the book, the boy and the girl. Swoon!
"What would you do if I kissed you right now?" I stared at his beautiful face and his beautiful mouth and I wanted nothing more than to taste it. "I would kiss you back.” *Mara and Noah - The Unbecoming of Mara DyerPretty sure everyone would kiss him back Mara.....just saying.
When Will truly wants something,” said Jem, quietly, “when he feels something — he can break your heart.” Jem - Clockwork PrinceWill can break your heart, and totally does. The truth about Will Herondale's reason for visiting Magnus Bane at the end of Clockwork Angel really is heartbreaking
Book blogs
1. Favorite review that you wrote
I am still really proud of my review for Delirium. I also happen to like my Clockwork Prince one.
2. Best event that you participated in
I wonder if this means book blog event, like hosting something on your site, or an actual event you go to. Hmm….we will go with Book Expo America.
3. Best moment of book blogging
Meeting fellow book lovers anywhere, and of course the first time someone commented on my review.
4. Most popular post on your blog
Anything that Cassandra Clare retweets actually. I always have a HUGE spike on those posts. Taking them out of the running it would be my review of Fallen that has the next highest page views.
5. Reading challenges or goals
I did not have any this year other than to read at least 100 books. I’ve read 110 as of now. I will be taking part in the Debut Author Challenge hosted by The Story Siren next year though.
Looking ahead
1. Number one priority in 2012
Book Expo America, and coming up with new, fun things for my blog.
2. Book you are most anticipating
The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer sequel and Insurgent
3. Hopes in reading/blogging in 2012
Just to continue to improve. Get more involved in this wonderful, crazy, amazing community of book lovers I am humbled to be apart of. Oh, and start scratching things off this list
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas
I just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. I hope you got some books under the tree this morning and look forward to seeing everyone's "In My Mailbox" Christmas style posts.
I hope you all are surrounded by family and loved ones!
See you back on Monday with a Best of 2011 wrap up style post.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Obsessions....this week!
The awesome Kelly at KellyVison started posting a weekly post highlighting whatever she happened to be obsessed with that week. I LOVE this idea, so much in fact that I will be doing it myself every Saturday.
So this week my obsessions are:
Trailer for Cinder by Marissa Meyer
I don't have a the video to post, but I will provide the link. This trailer is awesome. I am so excited to start this one. It looks fantastic, and I love that there are other fairytales to come in this series.
Kendare Blake's New Series
Kendare Blake announced a new three book series recently and I could not be more excited.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
This movie ended up being even more awesome than I thought it would be. The soundtrack/score is amazing. The acting by Rooney Mara was impressive. Her and Daniel Craig actually have a chemistry. She's strong, vulnerable, sensuous, and troubled. Exactly what I expected Lisbeth to be. Her accent was quite good too. My best friend is Swedish (and lives there) and there were things in the movie that she says and does. I am looking forward to the other movies in the series now.
When this posts it'll be Christmas Eve, and I will be at my sister's house with three very excited little girls. My nieces are still very young and get really excited about everything so this is a huge deal to them.
I hope you all have a magical Christmas and that you get to spend it with family and loved ones.
So this week my obsessions are:
Trailer for Cinder by Marissa Meyer
I don't have a the video to post, but I will provide the link. This trailer is awesome. I am so excited to start this one. It looks fantastic, and I love that there are other fairytales to come in this series.
Kendare Blake's New Series
Kendare Blake announced a new three book series recently and I could not be more excited.
Kendare Blake's ANTIGODDESS series, where the ancient, perpetually teenaged Greek gods Athena and Hermes cling to life in the contemporary world, seeking the causes of their mysterious, slow deaths and gathering their allies in reincarnated form: Cassandra, an ordinary girl who was once an extraordinary prophetess; Odysseus, the handsome trickster; and other fickle characters with their own secret motives; they must all band together against Hera and Poseidon who have become horrific caricatures of their former glory in their desperation to survive.How amazing does this sound?! I am so excited to have this to look forward to once Girl of Nightmares is released. If you wish to know more you can find it on Goodreads.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
This movie ended up being even more awesome than I thought it would be. The soundtrack/score is amazing. The acting by Rooney Mara was impressive. Her and Daniel Craig actually have a chemistry. She's strong, vulnerable, sensuous, and troubled. Exactly what I expected Lisbeth to be. Her accent was quite good too. My best friend is Swedish (and lives there) and there were things in the movie that she says and does. I am looking forward to the other movies in the series now.
When this posts it'll be Christmas Eve, and I will be at my sister's house with three very excited little girls. My nieces are still very young and get really excited about everything so this is a huge deal to them.
I hope you all have a magical Christmas and that you get to spend it with family and loved ones.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Friday Hops!
Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. It's a great way to meet new blogger friends. This weeks question is:
Q: If you had to spend eternity inside the pages of a book which book would you choose and why?
Hmm...if I had to spend forever in a book I would want it to be somewhere safe. I think I am going to pick Anna and the French Kiss. Paris is beautiful, and I wouldn't have to worry about dying.
If I was feeling more adventurous I would pick Hogwarts from the Harry Potter series.

TGIF at GReads! is a weekly blog hop hosted by Ginger from GReads
Q. Dear Santa: Which books made it to your Christmas wish list this year?
SO MANY! Too many. I have asked for my own copy of Anna Dressed in Blood, Starcrossed, and Shatter Me to name a few. I have also requested gift cards to help purchase all the amazing 2012 novels that are coming up soon!
Happy weekend and Happy reading!
Virtual Advent Calendar Tour

You may have heard about the Virtual Advent Calendar Blog Tour that is going on right now. Today is my stop.
Ever since I was young Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer has always been my favourite Christmas cartoon. Watching it is what made it feel like Christmas for me. It is what, in my opinion, kicks off the holiday season.

It brings back memories of hot chocolate and sugar cookies at home. It brings back memories of my two younger sisters singing the words wrong. More recently, it makes me remember wrapping presents with the room mates I used to live with.
I also love the message it sets forth. You shouldn't judge someone by their appearance, because they might just surprise you. Sadly, I think it is a message that will never not be needed.
What is your favourite Christmas classic? What makes it feel like Christmas for you? Tell me in the comments.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Glow Audio Book Giveaway
If you read my review of Glow the other day you'll know it's an intense, dark read. Today I have a special giveaway for an audio book copy of the book.
Contest is open to US mailing address only. Winner will be contacted via email and will have 24 hours to reply.
Contest closes Dec 28th.
Here is a brief clip from the audio book for you to preview
Contest is open to US mailing address only. Winner will be contacted via email and will have 24 hours to reply.
Contest closes Dec 28th.
Here is a brief clip from the audio book for you to preview
Waiting on Wednesday....Of Poseidon

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking The Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.
My pick this week is Of Poseidon by Anna Banks
Here is the Goodreads synopsis
Emma and her friend Chloe are spending vacation in Florida. When Emma (literally) runs into a hot guy named Galen on the beach, little does she know he’s a prince of the Syrena. Galen and Emma both feel something strange – is it attraction? – and Galen suspects that Emma might well be the girl he’s heard of – a human who can communicate with fish.
What follows is a deadly scene with a shark in which Galen witnesses Emma’s gifts. He must know more about her, and follows her back to New Jersey, and high school, to find out for sure if she’s the key to saving his kingdom. Soon, Emma can’t deny her feelings for him, but can’t explain them, either – and both she and Galen must learn more about where she comes from and what her powers are before they can trust one another and their feelings.
Doesn't that synopsis just make you want to read this RIGHT NOW?! The cover is stunning and it sounds so good. 2012 really is shaping up to be an amazing book year.
Expected release date - May 22, 2012
Monday, December 19, 2011
Glow by Amy Kathleen Ryan

Glow by Amy Kathleen Ryan
Release Date – September 14, 2011
Publisher Website – Raincoast Books/St Martin’s Press
Publisher Social Media - Twitter
Pages - 307 pages
My Rating- 7/10
**Obtained from Book Expo America for an honest review**
Here is the Goodreads synopsis
What if you were bound for a new world, about to pledge your life to someone you'd been promised to since birth, and one unexpected violent attack made survival—not love—the issue?
Out in the murky nebula lurks an unseen enemy: the New Horizon. On its way to populate a distant planet in the wake of Earth's collapse, the ship's crew has been unable to conceive a generation to continue its mission. They need young girls desperately, or their zealous leader's efforts will fail. Onboard their sister ship, the Empyrean, the unsuspecting families don't know an attack is being mounted that could claim the most important among them...
Fifteen-year-old Waverly is part of the first generation to be successfully conceived in deep space; she was born on the Empyrean, and the large farming vessel is all she knows. Her concerns are those of any teenager—until Kieran Alden proposes to her. The handsome captain-to-be has everything Waverly could ever want in a husband, and with the pressure to start having children, everyone is sure he's the best choice. Except for Waverly, who wants more from life than marriage—and is secretly intrigued by the shy, darkly brilliant Seth.
But when the Empyrean faces sudden attack by their assumed allies, they quickly find out that the enemies aren't all from the outside.
I have only read one other book that takes place in outer space - Beth Revis’ novel Across the Universe. I can safely say that after reading Glow being on a spaceship of any kind is pretty much my worse nightmare. Imagine having nowhere to go to get away from someone that wanted to hurt you. Imagine something terrible happening and having nowhere to go for help. Amy Kathleen Ryan takes these fears and has written a book much darker than I was expecting.
I am not usually a science fiction reader. It has to be more character driven for me to really enjoy it. I found myself devouring the character stuff, but not really into the more scientific parts. Fans of that genre may feel the opposite though. I am not sure how accurate her science fiction elements are as I honestly don’t know much about space travel. It didn’t detract from the story for me as a result.
What I loved about the novel is that you are never sure who to believe or trust. You are always suspecting everyone and wondering true motivations. Everyone has agendas, beliefs, and personal issues that are the basis for their actions. It ends up being a creepy, thought provoking read.
The story really kicks in about half way through. It’s a little slower going at first, building this new world. Once things get going though, you will be turning the pages as fast as you can.
I totally loved Waverly. She’s strong, smart, and makes RATIONAL decisions. She fights for what she believes in, and doesn’t give up. She’s really amazing. The two boys in her life Seth and Kieran , sadly, did nothing for me. I didn’t swoon over either boy. Seth has major issues, and Kieran is a little much. Each of the characters change dramatically over the course of the novel due to things that happen to them. I love when characters progress and change either for the better or worse, as long as it’s organic to the story.
While this book does tie up some things, it leaves a lot open for the next books in the series. I am curious to know where this is going to lead. A plot that has religious zealots, murder, a hostile and violent environment (especially for women), forced invasive surgery, and kidnapping lead me to think it’ll continue down this dark path.
This intense novel deals with everything from how power corrupts, the abuse of women (in EVERY single way), what people will do to survive, and the isolation one would feel in space.
An clip from the audio book provided by the publisher -
Everblue by Brenda Pandos

Everblue by Brenda Pandos
Release Date – July 30, 2011
Publisher Website – Obsidian Mountain Publishing
Publisher Social Media - Twitter
Pages - 304 pages
My Rating- 8/10
**won from the lovely Evie at Bookish**
Here is the Goodreads synopsis
She wanted her life to change... he wanted his to stay the same.
Best friends share everything with each other. Or do they? Seventeen-year-old Ashlyn Frances Lanski is tired of her boring, single life. Spending time with her best friend Tatiana, dreaming about kissing Tatiana's twin brother Fin, and swimming competitively are her only sanctuary. The girls plan to leave their drab lakeside town far behind for college. But when Tatchi fails to return home after a family emergency, and no one knows where the family has gone, Ash chooses to do something drastic to find them.
Ashlyn is about to discover what she'd thought to be true her whole life, wasn't, and the truth, too fantastical to imagine. Secrets lurk beneath the deep blue waters of Lake Tahoe, secrets that will change Ashlyn's life forever.
I haven’t read too many books about merpeople. They seem to be a new trend for 2012 though, and what a way to test the waters! Everblue is filled with romance, intrigue and some great world building.
The narration is split into two characters, Ashlyn and Fin. Each has a very distinct voice, and personality. It added to the story to see both sides and with Fin we get access to things Ashlyn doesn’t know about (and vice versa). The writing itself keeps your interest and I liked how the novel is balanced between the regular world of Ashlyn and the merworld of Fin.
The characters we get to know most are Ashlyn and Fin. I liked both of them. I found Ashlyn determined, a little head strong, and a true friend. Fin seemed very typical of a teenage guy. He wanted to impress his parents, be with the girl he is crushing on and fit in. Ashlyn’s best friend Tatchi was likeable as well. She wanted to be free of the expectations put on her, not forced into things, and make her own choices.
The mythology in this story is really what kept my interest. The rules, and customs were fascinating. To these merpeople a kiss creates a bond that is everlasting. It creates a need to be with that person, to protect them, and to keep them happy. It’s their way of getting “married“. Imagine the complications just from a single kiss. What if someone took your choice away and kissed you against your will? What if you were forced into an arranged “marriage” by your parents?
The romance in the novel is intense due to the extra magical element of the bonding that happens. I never found it too much though due to the magical element.
I love diving into what makes characters tick. A lot can motivate someone - love, fear, and greed to name a few. What I like about this novel is that there are motivations behind the characters, some hidden and other apparent right away. I loved the political side of things with the King and how it impacted the merpeople.
The world inhabited by the merpeople is fantastically written. So developed I could picture their underwater kingdom. Brenda has created not just a detailed mythology but a world that is just as intricate.
This novel is the first in a series (I believe) and while it does leave some things unresolved and sets up the next book wonderfully, it totally stands on it’s own. I am excited to find out more about all of the characters when the next book is released.
I am glad I took the chance, dove in, and read my first mer novel. It left me wanting more.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
In My Mailbox

This is a weekly meme hosted by the awesome Kristi at The Story Siren. It gives us a chance to showcase the books we got during the week.
I got a pretty awesome package in the mail this week.
The Selection by Kiera Cass (goodreads)
I want to say a huge THANK YOU to Kiera for this, and I can not wait to start reading it. I have been drooling over this cover, and the synopsis for awhile now.
Happy reading everyone!
Friday, December 16, 2011
Obsessions for the Week....
The awesome Kelly at KellyVision started posting a weekly post highlighting whatever she happened to be obsessed with that week. I LOVE this idea, so much in fact that I will be doing it myself every Saturday.
So this week my obsessions are:
The Bloodrose trailer
So I don't have a way to put the video here, but I will provide a link to the video for your viewing pleasure.
I am getting excited for this book. The Q & A with Andrea Cremer included with the video hints at a shocking ending. Hmmmm.....*dies of want*
The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer cover art

I pretty much want this hanging on my wall. Really big. I found the photographer's website where I can make this happen. Her name is Heather Landis and she has a bunch of amazing photos. I am in love. I will be ordering myself this in the new year to decorate. *squee*
The Hunger Games movie poster

There was a huge buzz surrounding this on twitter when it was released. It is awesome, and it just makes me wish it was March already.
The Golden Globes nominations
Here is where I admit to loving awards season. LOVE. I especially love it if people I enjoy get nominated for an award. For instance people like the delicious and talented Joseph Gordon - Levitt. He was nominated for his fantastic work in 50/50. A movie everyone should see.
Other nominations am excited about -
~ Rooney Mara for Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. This makes me excited because I want this movie to be awesome and this is a good sign.
~ Michael Fassbender for Shame. I have heard excellent things about this movie and him in particular.
~ Michelle Williams for My Week With Marilyn. LOVE her in this movie. She was untouchable in this role, and to me she should win.
~ Ryan Gosling's double nomination. It's never a bad thing when Ryan Gosling gets to wear a tux! :)
I could go on and on but I won't. Needless to say, I am looking forward to the Oscar nominations in the new year.
Book Expo America
Ok, I know it's not until June but I am already excited. I will be buying my pass in Jan and have already started looking at hotels. I am super excited. I am hoping the Class of 2012 authors have an event at Books of Wonder like they did last year. I also hope to have drinks and talk books with some bloggers this time as I didn't really know anyone last year. If anyone else is going, let me know!
What are you obsessed with this week?
So this week my obsessions are:
The Bloodrose trailer
So I don't have a way to put the video here, but I will provide a link to the video for your viewing pleasure.
I am getting excited for this book. The Q & A with Andrea Cremer included with the video hints at a shocking ending. Hmmmm.....*dies of want*
The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer cover art

I pretty much want this hanging on my wall. Really big. I found the photographer's website where I can make this happen. Her name is Heather Landis and she has a bunch of amazing photos. I am in love. I will be ordering myself this in the new year to decorate. *squee*
The Hunger Games movie poster

There was a huge buzz surrounding this on twitter when it was released. It is awesome, and it just makes me wish it was March already.
The Golden Globes nominations
Here is where I admit to loving awards season. LOVE. I especially love it if people I enjoy get nominated for an award. For instance people like the delicious and talented Joseph Gordon - Levitt. He was nominated for his fantastic work in 50/50. A movie everyone should see.
Other nominations am excited about -
~ Rooney Mara for Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. This makes me excited because I want this movie to be awesome and this is a good sign.
~ Michael Fassbender for Shame. I have heard excellent things about this movie and him in particular.
~ Michelle Williams for My Week With Marilyn. LOVE her in this movie. She was untouchable in this role, and to me she should win.
~ Ryan Gosling's double nomination. It's never a bad thing when Ryan Gosling gets to wear a tux! :)
I could go on and on but I won't. Needless to say, I am looking forward to the Oscar nominations in the new year.
Book Expo America
Ok, I know it's not until June but I am already excited. I will be buying my pass in Jan and have already started looking at hotels. I am super excited. I am hoping the Class of 2012 authors have an event at Books of Wonder like they did last year. I also hope to have drinks and talk books with some bloggers this time as I didn't really know anyone last year. If anyone else is going, let me know!
What are you obsessed with this week?
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Friday Hops!
Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. It's a great way to meet new blogger friends. This weeks question is:
Q: When you've read a book, what do you do with it? (Keep it, give it away, donate it, sell it, swap it..?)
It depends. If it's a signed book (no matter what kind) I keep it. ARCs I tend to keep until the book is published and donate them to a school. I purchase copies of the books I really want.
Of course, any books I get from the library go back when finished.

TGIF at GReads! is a weekly blog hop hosted by Ginger from GReads
Q. What blog post has gotten the most comments/activity on your blog this year?
I looked at my stats and my post about Female Characters Who Rock has the most page views so far. I think that has something to do with Cassandra Clare retweeting it though..haha.
Happy weekend and Happy reading!
Variant by Robison Wells
Variant by Robison Wells
Release Date – October 4, 2011
Publisher Website – HarperCollins
Publisher Social Media - Twitter/Facebook/SavvyReader
Pages - 373 pages
My Rating- 7/10
**obtained from Book Expo America for an honest review**
Here is Goodreads synopsis
Benson Fisher thought that a scholarship to Maxfield Academy would be the ticket out of his dead-end life.
He was wrong.
Now he’s trapped in a school that’s surrounded by a razor-wire fence. A school where video cameras monitor his every move. Where there are no adults. Where the kids have split into groups in order to survive.
Where breaking the rules equals death.
But when Benson stumbles upon the school’s real secret, he realizes that playing by the rules could spell a fate worse than death, and that escape—his only real hope for survival—may be impossible.
This novel started out reminding me of Lord of the Flies. There are various “gangs” that the teenagers trapped in this “school” have formed. Some enforce the rules, some want to break them, and others just want out. I remember reading Lord of the Flies in high school and it made a lasting impression on me. I was excited to see shades of it in this novel. It is interesting to see how the teenagers developed without any adults. The various survival instincts, predator/prey, and the cruelty that will reign if given the chance. This was my favourite part of the novel, and what drew me in.
Benson Fisher, our main character, is likeable enough. You have to feel sorry for the situation he is in, and what brings him to the Academy. Right away though, you can tell this is not going to be good for him. You do end up caring what happens to him, and really hate the situation he’s gotten himself into. You’ll be reacting along with Benson - angry, confused, upset.
There is a little romance in the novel, however it really focuses on other things. There is a lot of action, it’s fast paced, and has plenty of shocking reveals. The entire story feels like you’re on the edge. Everything at the “school” is on this fine wire, balanced so precariously due to reluctant agreements between the “gangs” that you’re waiting for it to explode. The tension is taunt, and remains throughout.
The things that are revealed are spine tingling scary. I won’t give it away because it’s actually a really awesome twist when Benson finds out. I thought it was unique and brings up so many questions. This brings me to my only issue with the novel - not enough answers. I feel like this book should really be judge as part of a whole series rather than on it’s own. I wish we would have found out more about the school, and why exactly these kids are there. I think it will be addressed in later novels, but it’s a huge part of the story that I was intrigued by. I feel that this is really more of a starting point to a make larger storyline, I just would have loved a little more pay off in the answer department.
I think this novel would really appeal to reluctant young male readers (11 to 14 years old). It has the potential to really draw them in and keep them interested, so I would recommend it for that group. I am intrigued, and am interested in seeing where this story is going to go.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Waiting on Wednesday...Hemlock
Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking The Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.
My pick this week is Hemlock by Kathleen Peacock
Here is the Goodreads synopsis
A murder mystery, werewolves, and what sounds like some swoon worthy guys. I can't wait to read this one. Plus, the cover is so pretty!
Expected release date - May 8, 2012
My pick this week is Hemlock by Kathleen Peacock
Here is the Goodreads synopsis
Mackenzie and Amy were best friends. Until Amy was brutally murdered.
Since then, Mac’s life has been turned upside down. She is being haunted by Amy in her dreams, and an extremist group called the Trackers has come to Mac’s hometown of Hemlock to hunt down Amy’s killer: A white werewolf.
Lupine syndrome—also known as the werewolf virus—is on the rise across the country. Many of the infected try to hide their symptoms, but bloodlust is not easy to control.
Wanting desperately to put an end to her nightmares, Mac decides to investigate Amy’s murder herself. She discovers secrets lurking in the shadows of Hemlock, secrets about Amy’s boyfriend, Jason, her good pal Kyle, and especially her late best friend. Mac is thrown into a maelstrom of violence and betrayal that puts her life at risk.
Kathleen Peacock’s thrilling novel is the first in the Hemlock trilogy, a spellbinding urban fantasy series filled with provocative questions about prejudice, trust, lies, and love.
A murder mystery, werewolves, and what sounds like some swoon worthy guys. I can't wait to read this one. Plus, the cover is so pretty!
Expected release date - May 8, 2012
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick

Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick
Release Date – October 4, 2011
Publisher Website – Simon and Schuster
Publisher Social Media - Twitter
Pages - 438 pages
My Rating- 7.5/10
Here is the Goodreads synopsis
The noise between Patch and Nora is gone. They've overcome the secrets riddled in Patch's dark past...bridged two irreconcilable worlds...faced heart-wrenching tests of betrayal, loyalty and trust...and all for a love that will transcend the boundary between heaven and earth. Armed with nothing but their absolute faith in one another, Patch and Nora enter a desperate fight to stop a villain who holds the power to shatter everything they've worked for—and their love—forever.
At the end of Crescendo Nora had been told a shocking revelation and it was the kind of cliffhanger that drives you crazy waiting for the next book.
Silence doesn’t pick up right where Crescendo left off. Instead, we see Nora after she’s been missing for a few months. She can’t recall anything of the kidnapping, and even scarier is the fact that she can’t recall the past 5 months. No memories of Patch, the Nephilim or any of the secrets she learned along the way.
The mystery of what happened, and how Nora had her memories erased is filled with some twists, turns, and new reveals. I did not mind knowing more than Nora. It could have been infuriating, but the plot kept me interested and was fast paced.
Nora changes in this novel quite a bit. I felt she became a much stronger character. She actively tried to trigger her memories, and went looking for clues to what happened. She tired to help people in danger, and was there for her friends when they needed her. She, as usual, does some stuff that you want to shake her for, but she seems to be someone who jumps right in and asks questions later.
The only thing that I felt was missing was Patch. He was sparse for the first half of the novel or so, but the end sort of makes up for it. There is enough swoon worthy, romantic moments to satisfy hardcore Patch fans. Patch’s character is pretty much the same as the previous novels, it’s Nora that changes.
Hank Miller sort of surprised me. He was a much better, scarier villain than I was expecting him to be. He was cold, calculating and not above hurting those he claimed to care about, never mind those he doesn’t have any use for.
The ending is once again one of those insane cliffhangers that leaves you gasping. I can’t wait to see what happens next as it changes everything for Nora and Patch.
Becca Fitzpatricks’ writing is captivating and will have you engrossed right from the beginning. You’ll have read large sections of the book without even realizing how much you’ve actually read. Silence is filled with romance, action, mystery and is a great addition to the series.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Team Mara...and Why You Should Be Too!

You may have heard about a little tournament going on right now. It's being hosted by YA Sisterhood. A tournament all about selecting the best YA heroine. Mara's official advocate is Casey from The Bookish Type.
Lori from Pure Imagination asked for members of Team Mara to help take part in special Mara Mondays post.
You may remember I did a week long blog event dedicated to how AWESOME this novel (and Mara) is so, of course, I am Team Mara.
Here is why I am voting Dyer and why you should too!
1 She's the heroine you can relate to. She's not perfect, but nobody is perfect. She's the heroine for those of us that are a little different, and unique.
2 She loves animals. Not only does she love them, but she saves animals in distress. She happens to save them in a pretty epic way as well.
3 They say you can tell a lot about a person by the people they choose to be around. If that's true, Mara must be awesome because her best friend Jamie is pretty much the best.
4 A heroine always thinks of others. Mara always thinks of her family, and what her actions might do to them. She is especially concerned about her younger brother and the impact things would have on him. She also worries about what she is capable of doing to others.
5 She gave us the term "ass crown". Her colourful language in general is a plus.
6 She's strong. I don't mean physically (although....*spoilers* she can cause some damage) but she went through a lot. It's impressive that she is even functioning.
7 She doesn't make excuse or apologize for who she is. She's not in the popular crowd at school, and she is definitely OK with that.
8 She is capable of holding her own in a banter contest (see #5). She is witty, has a spark, and isn't afraid to stand her ground.
9 She leaves you wanting more. We don't know everything there is to know about Mara. She has a little mystery. It's part of what makes her awesome.
10 Lastly, because Noah Shaw would. Doing what Noah wants is pretty much going to happen anyway, you'll be too distracted by his hotness to put up a fight.
So with this I hope you'll vote on Dec 16...

Saturday, December 10, 2011
In My Mailbox...

This is a weekly meme hosted by the awesome Kristi at The Story Siren. It gives us a chance to showcase the books we got during the week.
I have just one book to tell you about this week...kind of a slow book week for me.
*Aria welcoming the new book into her home. She's obsessed with books too*
Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare (goodreads)
If you read my review you'll know I LOVED this one. I had to get the Collectors First Edition. Chapters (Canadian bookstore company) was offering the edition that has the letter Will wrote to his family on his birthday and an inscription he writes for Tessa in a copy of "A Tale of Two Cities".
What books did you get this week? Leave me a comment and I will check it out.
Happy reading everyone!
Friday, December 9, 2011
My Obsessions for the week!
The awesome Kelly at KellyVision started posting a weekly post highlighting whatever she happened to be obsessed with that week. I LOVE this idea, so much in fact that I will be doing it myself every Saturday.
So this week my obsessions are:
Extra inclusions in Clockwork Prince
So if you purchsed Clockwork Prince this week you may have gotten some extra goodies included with your copy.
My version came with a letter Will wrote to his family and an inscription he wrote in a copy of 'A Tale of Two Cities' for Tessa. Both are amazing, and after reading the book mean so much more.
The inscription actually made me cry, because of the emotional impact after reading the book.
Sigh...I want this to end happily for all the characters but I have a feeling that is not going to happen.
The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa cover

Amazing right? It's dark and gothic. I have a feeling this series is going to be even more awesome than the Iron Fey series. Now if only May could hurry and get here.
Once Upon A Time

I am a little late to the party with this show, but I am now HOOKED. I am not sure if it's the fairytale aspect, the over-all cuteness of the show, or just Charming himself, but I can't get enough.
Christmas Shopping
I am more obsessed with the fact that I am almost done. Phew!
What are you obsessed with this week?
So this week my obsessions are:
Extra inclusions in Clockwork Prince
So if you purchsed Clockwork Prince this week you may have gotten some extra goodies included with your copy.
My version came with a letter Will wrote to his family and an inscription he wrote in a copy of 'A Tale of Two Cities' for Tessa. Both are amazing, and after reading the book mean so much more.
The inscription actually made me cry, because of the emotional impact after reading the book.
Sigh...I want this to end happily for all the characters but I have a feeling that is not going to happen.
The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa cover

Amazing right? It's dark and gothic. I have a feeling this series is going to be even more awesome than the Iron Fey series. Now if only May could hurry and get here.
Once Upon A Time

I am a little late to the party with this show, but I am now HOOKED. I am not sure if it's the fairytale aspect, the over-all cuteness of the show, or just Charming himself, but I can't get enough.
Christmas Shopping
I am more obsessed with the fact that I am almost done. Phew!
What are you obsessed with this week?
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Blogger Hops!
Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. It's a great way to meet new blogger friends. This weeks question is:
Q: Question: Keeping with the Spirit of Giving this season, what book do you think EVERYONE should read and if you could, you would buy it for all of your family and friends?
Um, way too many.
I think the books I recommend the most are The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer, Stolen, anything by Stephanie Perkins, anything by Cassandra Clare, Divergent, and Forbidden. I recommend them for different reasons and to different people. It totally depends on what that person is looking for, and their reading habits.

TGIF at GReads! is a weekly blog hop hosted by Ginger from GReads
Q. Book to Movie: Which book turn movie do you feel did the best adaptation? What about the worst?

Sigh...River Phoenix. I can't watch the end of this without crying.
Happy weekend and Happy reading!
Deadly Cool by Gemma Halliday

Deadly Cool by Gemma Halliday
Release Date – October 11, 2011
Publisher Website – Harper Collins
Publisher Social Media - Twitter/Facebook/SavvyReader
Pages - 320 pages
My Rating- 8/10
**obtained from the library**
Here is the Goodreads synopsis
Hartley Grace Featherstone is having a very bad day. First she finds out that her boyfriend is cheating on her with the president of the Herbert Hoover High School Chastity Club. Then he's pegged as the #1 suspect in a murder. And if that weren't enough, now he's depending on Hartley to clear his name. Seriously? Not cool.
But as much as Hartley wouldn't mind seeing him squirm, she knows he's innocent, and she's the only one who can help him. Along with her best friend, Sam, and the school's resident Bad Boy, Chase, Hartley starts investigating on her own. But as the dead bodies begin to pile up, the mystery deepens, the suspects multiply, and Hartley begins to fear that she may be the killer's next victim
I bet the first word that comes to your mind after reading that synopsis is not the word fun. However, that is exactly what Deadly Cool is. It’s a fun murder mystery that has a Veronica Mars like feel.
Hartley is our Nancy Drew and star of the show. She’s a sweet, sometimes lightly sarcastic teenager whose voice felt authentic. The things she thought and said seemed very real. She seemed like an average teenager. I loved that she was willing to help out her cheating jerk of a boyfriend Josh, even though I can’t say I would have been as willing. Hartley has a really strong, assertive personality and it didn’t come through when dealing with Josh, which is my only complaint. It would have been nice to see that. Sam, Hartley’s best friend is the perfect partner in crime…solving . I liked her a lot. Them “censoring” themselves, and their willingness to help each other out where some of my favourite parts of the friendship.
Chase, the bad boy and total hottie, was a nice surprise too. The banter, and button pushing between him and Hartley made for some enjoyable flirtation in amongst the scares. I liked that you didn’t know much about him and it kept Hartley on her toes. The “accidental strip tease” scene was one of my favourites!
The novel did have it’s creepy moments. When Hartley and Sam find Courtney’s body stands out as one of the creepier images from the book. It also happens to be where the cover comes from. The author manages to remind you throughout the novel that there is a killer on the loose among all the laugh and lightness.
The killer reveal was a shocker. I didn’t once suspect who did it. I felt the actual reasons for the murders a little under developed though.
If you are looking for a quick, cute, enjoyable murder mystery that you’ll read rather quickly give Deadly Cool a try.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Secret Santa Winners!!

Yup...I said WINNERS. There were so many entries that I had to select two winners. did it's thing and I present the two winners:
Winner #1 Emilie @ Emilie's Book World
Winner #2 Brodie @ Eleusinian Mysteries
Emails have been sent so check your inbox ladies. I will get the books ordered as soon as I have your address.
A huge thank you to everyone that entered!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Waiting on Wednesday...The Calling

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking The Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.
My pick this week is The Calling by Kelley Armstrong
Here is the Goodreads synopsis
In The Calling, the sizzling second book in the Darkness Rising trilogy, New York Times bestselling author Kelley Armstrong pumps up the romance, danger, and suspense that left readers of The Gathering clamoring for more.
Maya Delaney’s paw-print birthmark is the sign of what she truly is—a skin-walker. She can run faster, climb higher, and see better than nearly anyone else. Experiencing intense connections with the animals that roam the woods outside her home, Maya knows it’s only a matter of time before she’s able to Shift and become one of them. And she believes there may be others in her small town with surprising talents.
Now, Maya and her friends have been forced to flee from their homes during a forest fire they suspect was deliberately set. Then they’re kidnapped, and after a chilling helicopter crash, they find themselves in the Vancouver Island wilderness with nothing but their extraordinary abilities to help them get back home. Plentiful action and romance in this second installment in the Darkness Rising series will keep readers enthralled to the very last page
I am excited to read this one because of the insane cliff hanger from the last one. I am hoping this one is just as action packed as the first.
Expected release date - April 10, 2012
Monday, December 5, 2011
Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare

Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare
Release Date – December 6, 2011
Publisher Website – Simon and Schuster/Margaret K. McElderry
Publisher Social Media - Twitter
Pages - 497 pages
My Rating- 10/10
**obtained from the publisher for an honest review**
Here is the Goodreads synopsis
In the magical underworld of Victorian London, Tessa Gray has at last found safety with the Shadowhunters. But that safety proves fleeting when rogue forces in the Clave plot to see her protector, Charlotte, replaced as head of the Institute. If Charlotte loses her position, Tessa will be out on the street and easy prey for the mysterious Magister, who wants to use Tessa's powers for his own dark ends.
With the help of the handsome, self-destructive Will and the fiercely devoted Jem, Tessa discovers that the Magister's war on the Shadowhunters is deeply personal. He blames them for a long-ago tragedy that shattered his life. To unravel the secrets of the past, the trio journeys from mist-shrouded Yorkshire to a manor house that holds untold horrors, from the slums of London to an enchanted ballroom where Tessa discovers that the truth of her parentage is more sinister than she had imagined. When they encounter a clockwork demon bearing a warning for Will, they realize that the Magister himself knows their every move and that one of their own has betrayed them.
Tessa finds her heart drawn more and more to Jem, though her longing for Will, despite his dark moods, continues to unsettle her. But something is changing in Will; the wall he has built around himself is crumbling. Could finding the Magister free Will from his secrets and give Tessa the answers about who she is and what she was born to do?
As their dangerous search for the Magister and the truth leads the friends into peril, Tessa learns that when love and lies are mixed, they can corrupt even the purest heart.
If you’ve ever read a Cassandra Clare novel you know that there are certain things you can expect. You can expect to laugh, cry, be shocked, and to swoon over the hot boys. Clockwork Prince offers this and so much more. In what I think is Cassandra’s best work yet she has captured the essence of friendship, the bitter sweetness of first loves, and what desperation will drive people to do.
There are moments of such light hearted humour. Will’s humour is of the sarcastic variety and he once again provides us with some amazing one liners. There are also equal moments of complete heartbreak that I found myself crying more than once. There is a chapter near the end that completely shattered me.
Tessa really comes into her own in this novel. She was always strong but it’s even more evident. Her desire to help others, and learn as much as she can is admirable. She tries to do the right thing, even when it means her own happiness, and she is forgiving. Her journey to find out what and who she is is relatable. We all want to know where we come from, what our purpose is.
Will’s character develops so much in this novel. There are so many layers to this complex young man that I still think we’re just beginning to scratch the surface. We do find out why Will went to see Magnus and it surprised me. I think Jem says it best with this quote “When Will truly wants something, when he feels something — he can break your heart.”. He can, and totally does.
Jem really shines in this novel. Will is by no means not present, and he does play a huge part, but Jem fans will particularly relish the connection he makes with Tessa. Jem definitely brings the sexy. Jem’s story is so heartbreaking, so tragic that you can’t help but feel for him. He’s aware of his own mortality which makes his story that much more devastating.
Which brings us to the triangle. This is hands down my favourite triangle. It’s one of the only ones I enjoy. I don’t have a team, nor do I want one. The relationship between Will and Jem is so developed and wonderful that either of them being hurt is a heartbreaking thought. Tessa has a tough choice to make. The fact that both choices present such clear, yet different pictures of how Tessa’s life could be just shows how developed the characters are.
Magnus Bane…just when I thought I knew him Cassandra goes and reveals something new. His relationship with Will is so touching. He is not quite the Magnus we meet in the Mortal Instruments series, but we do see things that will shape him in to the fabulousness we know and love.
The betrayal that is spoken of was a little shocking. It just shows what someone will do when they feel abandoned and desperate.
I am breathlessly awaiting the final instalment in this amazing, complex series. It’s a completely other story as to whether or not my heart can handle it.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
WinterTown by Stephen Emond

WinterTown by Stephen Emond
Release Date – December 5, 2011
Publisher Website – Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Publisher Social Media - Twitter
Pages - 336 pages
My Rating- 7/10
**obtained at Book Expo America for an honest review**
Here is the Goodreads synopsis
Every winter, straight-laced, Ivy League bound Evan looks forward to a visit from Lucy, a childhood pal who moved away after her parent's divorce. But when Lucy arrives this year, she's changed. The former "girl next door" now has chopped dyed black hair, a nose stud, and a scowl. But Evan knows that somewhere beneath the Goth, "Old Lucy" still exists, and he's determined to find her... even if it means pissing her off.
Garden State meets Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist in this funny and poignant illustrated novel about opposites who fall in love.
When I picked up WinterTown I wasn’t really sure what to expect. I hadn’t read anything by this author before.
The writing is at time humorous, touching, and interesting. The author has a talent for art as well. The drawings interspaced through out the chapters provided a cute touch the novel. It worked well within the storyline. It made for a quicker read, because the novel is not very long when the art is taken into account.
The novel doesn’t have a lot of action. It’s more of a character driven story. These can often be deeply satisfying when done right. This one has likeable enough characters, but doesn’t dive deep enough to invoke any lasting emotional reactions.
Both Evan and Lucy are on a journey to find themselves, and grow into the adults they will be. A simple, coming of age story that everyone goes through at some point. We all struggle with living the life we want and the pressures put on us by family, friends, and others. It’s a struggle that Evan tries to come to terms with. He spends a lot of the novel trying to figure out what HE wants. Lucy’s path is different, but no less important. Lucy struggles with accepting herself, and finding that inner happiness that comes from liking yourself. She looks to outside acceptance, but doesn’t understand why anyone would like her. Again, a pretty common issue for some teenagers. This makes Evan and Lucy pretty relatable. I liked that they were able to see these things in each other, and help along the journey.
However, I didn’t get overly attached to them, because I didn’t feel like I was let in enough. I was expecting more information, especially in regards to how Lucy became this “New Lucy”. It is discussed, and somewhat of an answer given, but it just felt unexplored by the end the book.
The connection between the characters is built through memories of childhood, and this imaginary world they built. That part of the novel is quite well developed and details are provided through the art work.
The novel’s appeal is its coming of age story, and letting us see that sometimes timing really is everything. You have to be ready for the good stuff, and sometimes that journey is one that you have to be willing to take for yourself.
Friday, December 2, 2011
In My Mailbox

This is a weekly meme hosted by the awesome Kristi at The Story Siren. It gives us a chance to showcase the books we got during the week.
I had a pretty awesome book week. I have quite a few new additions to my bookshelf!
Gilt by Katherine Longshore (goodreads)
A HUGE thank you to Penguin Group Canada for this! The cover is even more striking "in real life". I am dying to jump right into it but I want it to count towards my Debut Author Challenge, so I shall wait until Jan...maybe. Hopefully I can resist temptation.
Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead (goodreads)
Deadly Cool by Gemma Halliday (goodreads)
These were holds I had placed at the library that came in. I have already read Deadly Cool and it's so much fun. A cute murder mystery! I can't wait to review it.
As for Last Sacrifice.... I have come to the end of the Vampire Academy novels. I am a little sad to be saying goodbye to Rose, Dimitri, and the rest. I hope to be reading this soon.
What books did you get this week? Leave me a comment and I will check it out.
Happy reading everyone!
My Obsessions for the week!
The awesome Kelly at KellyVison started posting a weekly post highlighting whatever she happened to be obsessed with that week. I LOVE this idea, so much in fact that I will be doing it myself every Saturday.
So this week my obsessions are:
Stolen by Lucy Christopher
Ok, so this could be either under books/movies.
The author tweeted that Stolen was one step closer to being made into a movie. I did a happy dance. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this book (if you haven't read it, do so immediately) and would love to see it on the big screen. I would want them to cast Ryan Kwanten as Ty.
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo trailer
There are a few different trailers out. This one is by far my favourite. I am very optimistic about this movie based on this trailer. Rooney Mara seems to have nailed the part of Lisbeth. I am curious to see if they will "soften" Lisbeth for the Hollywood version. I want them to keep her the way she is in the books, it's what makes her so great.
Brandon Lee's last interview
Kathleen Peacock (author of the upcoming Hemlock) had mentioned watching Brandon Lee's last interview on Twitter. I had been obsessed with The Crow when it came out, and Brandon's sad fate has always pulled at my heart. This interview always gets me crying, but apparently I like to cry as I have watched it so many times since Kathleen reminded me of it. I am including it under movies, but it might be more "other".
Lindt Advent Calendar

It's December and that means the countdown to Christmas has begun! Every year I have a countdown calendar, and this year mine is from Lindt. It's HUGE. I am already enjoying my daily chocolate surprise.
What are you obsessed with this week?
So this week my obsessions are:
Stolen by Lucy Christopher
Ok, so this could be either under books/movies.
The author tweeted that Stolen was one step closer to being made into a movie. I did a happy dance. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this book (if you haven't read it, do so immediately) and would love to see it on the big screen. I would want them to cast Ryan Kwanten as Ty.
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo trailer
There are a few different trailers out. This one is by far my favourite. I am very optimistic about this movie based on this trailer. Rooney Mara seems to have nailed the part of Lisbeth. I am curious to see if they will "soften" Lisbeth for the Hollywood version. I want them to keep her the way she is in the books, it's what makes her so great.
Brandon Lee's last interview
Kathleen Peacock (author of the upcoming Hemlock) had mentioned watching Brandon Lee's last interview on Twitter. I had been obsessed with The Crow when it came out, and Brandon's sad fate has always pulled at my heart. This interview always gets me crying, but apparently I like to cry as I have watched it so many times since Kathleen reminded me of it. I am including it under movies, but it might be more "other".
Lindt Advent Calendar

It's December and that means the countdown to Christmas has begun! Every year I have a countdown calendar, and this year mine is from Lindt. It's HUGE. I am already enjoying my daily chocolate surprise.
What are you obsessed with this week?
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