Drink Slay Love by Sarah Beth Durst
Release Date – September 13, 2011
Publisher – Margaret K. McElderry
Publisher Social Media - Twitter
Pages - 320
My Rating- 8/10
obtained - from Netgalley and S&S for an honest review
Here is the Goodreads synopsis
Pearl is a sixteen-year-old vampire... fond of blood, allergic to sunlight, and mostly evil... until the night a sparkly unicorn stabs her through the heart with his horn. Oops.
Her family thinks she was attacked by a vampire hunter (because, obviously, unicorns don't exist), and they're shocked she survived. They're even more shocked when Pearl discovers she can now withstand the sun. But they quickly find a way to make use of her new talent. The Vampire King of New England has chosen Pearl's family to host his feast. If Pearl enrolls in high school, she can make lots of human friends and lure them to the King's feast -- as the entrees.
The only problem? Pearl's starting to feel the twinges of a conscience. How can she serve up her new friends—especially the cute guy who makes her fangs ache—to be slaughtered? Then again, she's definitely dead if she lets down her family. What's a sunlight-loving vamp to do?
Right from the moment I read this synopsis I knew this was going to be something really unique. I mean Unicorns, and vampires in the same novel? That makes it automatically awesome. It turned out to be a fun, surprisingly touching read that I really enjoyed.
Pearl was an amazing main character. She had the right amount of humour, attitude, and smarts to make me really like her. She is capable, self reliant and fun. I liked her a lot. Her character development is really sweet, and she provides some really funny moments as her usual sarcastic nature makes room for this new, nicer Pearl. My favourite scene - Pearl seeing the sunrise for the first time and falling in love with how beautiful it makes everything.
Pearl starts high school and her vampire family members provide comedic moments when helping her prepare for school. One of her family members has her do research by watching John Hughes movies like Pretty in Pink. It’s that type of tone and feel that this novel has.
Evan is the boy who “makes her fangs ache”. He is adorable, and such a sweet departure from Pearl’s jerk of a boyfriend Jadrien. Jardrien has some smooth lines, but Evan is a poet and really cares about Pearl. I found the relationship aspect not overly done, sappy or dramatic. It was mixed in with Pearl’s story instead of it being THE story. It was refreshing to see.
My favourite part of this novel was that while it has ridiculous, over the top moments the story is very relatable. Pearl has to do what everyone growing up has to do - make her own decisions. Does she do what her family wants her to, or does she do what she knows and feels is right? It’s about coming into your own, and making those tough decisions that grown ups have to make. It also shows that sometimes other people (even your family) don't always know what is best for YOU as an individual and that you have to do what is in your heart.
I found myself laughing much more than I was expecting to, and it was a more light hearted read as well. If you are looking for something fun, quirky, and unique give it a try. It’s a perfect book to read after you’ve read a “heavier emotional read”.
Fantastic review! I've so been looking forward to this because it's a one time thing you'll read about unicorns and vampires haha. That in itself is ridiculously intriguing. I love that there's a balance between the craziness and some very relatable issues. Sounds awesome, so excited to get my hands on this!
ReplyDeleteI am really looking forward to starting this one! I hope I can read it before it expires. lol! It sounds good! Glad you enjoyed it!