Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. It's a great way to meet new blogger friends. This weeks question is:
Q: Fight! Fight! If you could have two fictional characters battle it out (preferably from books), who would they be and who do you think would win?
Hmmm....how about two people capable of amazing magic. Voldemort vs Gandalf. I think it might be a pretty epic showdown. I am not sure who would win, I would hope Gandalf though.

TGIF at GReads! is a weekly blog hop hosted by Ginger from GReads
This weeks question is
Book Blogger Influences: Has there been a particular book blogger who's influenced what you read? Share with us a review/book blog that convinced you to pick up a certain book.
I am so easily influenced to pick up a book. I add books all the time due to people raving about them.
Here are some of the bloggers who have turned me on to new books
Christy @ The Reader Bee
I adore Christy's reviews, and there have been numerous books that I have wanted to grab after reading them. I love talking about books with her and we tend to have the same taste. Her review style is wonderful and she highlights the important parts....like the hotness of the kissing :)
Brodie @ Eleusinian Mysteries
Brodie's reviews are EPIC! Her enthusiasm for certain books (Storm for one) has made me add more books that I can count to my ever growing reading pile. If you haven't read her review for Insurgent or Storm...do so immediately.
Kelly @ KellyVision
Kelly's review of I Hunt Killers literally made me run and get the book! I am dying to read it after her super amazing review for it! Kelly writes thoughtful, and insightful reviews that tend to make me want to read even more books.
Evie @ Bookish
Evie's reviews tend to make me chuckle. Her humour is an amazing part to her reviews. When she really loves a book she will make you want to read it for sure, and when she doesn't....well she's equally compelling the other way as well.
Happy Weekend!
Excellent choices!
ReplyDeleteNew GFC Follower
Hopping through. I'd hope Gandalf would win since Voldie is so evil.
ReplyDeleteMy Hop
Gandalf and Voldie! Great choice!
ReplyDeleteNew follower!
The Sagacity Quest
Hey! I'm new here! Found you on Follow me Friday... on the Hop thingy. I just thought I'd stop by and let you know I'm following. :)
ReplyDeleteP.S. I LOVE your blog! That might also be because I love wine also. HA HA!!!
ReplyDeleteHey, new follower!
ReplyDeleteMy FF
HA! Voldemort vs Gandalf would definitely make for an interesting fight!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for including me in your list! I'm so very glad we are book buddies!
Hmm, that's an interesting one!
ReplyDeleteOld follower!
My Follow
Good choice!
Great pick! I agree with your conclusion. :D
ReplyDeleteHere's my Follow Friday! New follower!
Bonnie @ Sweet Tidbits
Haha, Voldemord and Gandalf? :'DDD Too good to be true.
ReplyDeletePatricia // My FF
Voldy vs. Gandalf. i'm voting for Gandalf.
ReplyDeleteOld Follower
check mine here
Hmm Voldemort vs. Gandalf... I'd hope Gandalf would wipe the floor with Voldy but I'm not sure either, who'd come out victorious.
ReplyDeleteI would root for Gandalf!!! OMG these are such great picks. New follower via GFC :)
ReplyDeleteHere is my #FF post "Click Here"
Kayla @ Reading On The Wild Side
I think Voldemort is going to win.
I hate to say it but Voldemort has the edge. Great header btw :)
ReplyDeleteHappy FF on a Saturday - New GFC follower, too
Renee Succotash Reviews
I'm ashamed to admit I've never read or watched LoTR :S But I don't really want Voldy to win, because he's kind of an ass, so GANDALF FTW!!
ReplyDeleteAwwww Kathy! You're seriously giving me the warm and fuzzies. Hehe, I'm glad my enthusiasm for Storm is working... one COULD call it persistant nagging, but I like the word 'enthusiasm' better :D
This would be such an Epic battle!! I'd like to think that Gandalf the White could hold his own. I mean after the Balrog and all, how can he fail?
ReplyDeleteMy FF
Awwww~! You included me on your blog influences list!!! *touched* Thank you, darling! I love your reviews, too! Which you can probably tell from all the over-excited comments I leave you here :D
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna go check out Christy's site. I'm sure I've seen it before, but don't think I actually spent more time looking through it! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!