Wednesday, December 15, 2021

2022 Most Anticipated - Giveaway

That's a wrap on my most anticipated reads of the upcoming year. I have featured some pretty amazing sounding books for all of us to get excited about for 2022. Here is a reminder of what books I talked about this year:

My hope is that after reading all about these books you'll want to read some of them yourself. I am going to finish off this event with a giveaway for one of the books featured in the event. The winner will win their choice of one of the books featured. You can enter via the Rafflecopter below and I'll be drawing the winner after the holidays.


  1. maybe How To Date A Superhero (and Not Die Trying) by Cristina Fernandez

  2. Only A Monster by Vanessa Len sounds good!

  3. Super excited for Only A Monster by Vanessa Len and The Weight Of Blood by Tiffany D Jackson.

  4. Julie Murphy and Suzanne Young are both authors I've enjoyed in the past so those ones most stand out to me, although there are several others that sound like they would be interesting, too.

  5. I am interested in several of them, but Only a Monster would be my first choice.

  6. I'm interested in the book Birds of California.


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